Climate Transparency

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Climate Transparency is a global partnership with a shared mission to stimulate a ‘race to the top’ in G20 climate action and to shift investments towards zero carbon technologies through enhanced transparency. brings together the most authoritative climate assessments and expertise of stakeholders from G20 countries. Jointly, these experts develop a credible, comprehensive and comparable picture on G20 climate performance.

Climate Transparency aims to increase awareness and peer pressure among policy-makers in G20 governments and influencers from civil society and the financial sector on a national and international level. Activities of Climate Transparency to empower change agents include international and country-specific media work, direct communication with decision makers and G20 engagement groups as well as workshops in G20 countries.

The organisation was co-founded in late 2014 by Peter Eigen (founder of Transparency International) and Alvaro Umaña (former Minister of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica).ref



  • Nov.14.2018: Brown to Green: the G20 Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy. The Summary Report 2018 provides a comprehensive overview of all G20 countries, whether – and how well – they are doing on the journey to transition to a low-carbon economy. The report draws on the latest emissions data from 2017 and covers 80 indicators on decarbonisation, climate policies, finance and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Providing country ratings, it identifies leaders and laggards in the G20. Climate Transparency.